Monday, January 27, 2014

Reading Process System and ZPD

      In our class we were assigned reading from Catching Readers Before They Fall.  This book is by Pat Johnson and Katie Keier.  It gives great insight into teaching literacy and how to engage students effectively in literature.   I came across the Reading Process System and was surprised.  I knew many things happen in our head while reading.  I was shocked though when I saw it put on a diagram.  Seeing the process laid out gives a teacher a better understanding of how the entire process works.

     In the reading it gives all the examples of strategies that happen when reading. Visualizing, predicting, adjusting, questioning, inferring, and self monitoring were just a few listed in the diagram.  Understanding the reading process as a teacher can greatly assist in your ability to teach a new reader or struggling reader.  If you can identify where they are struggling easier because you know the process you can help them easier.  Its mentioned in the text "when you teach with reading process understanding, you will guide your students not only to acquire item information but also learn how to use all the item information to gain meaning from texts."  I couldn't agree more and I know more studying of the system is in my future to be a more affective teacher. 

    Another teaching strategy that was mentioned to our cohort last semester was ZPD or Zone of Proximal Development.  This along with understanding the reading process system can greatly assist you in teaching new or struggling readers.  The ZPD was developed by Lev Vygotsky who is taught in almost all education courses in some facet today.  The ZPD is defined as where the child can do it with your help.  Children have the highest potential for successful learning when they are in that zone.  There is three zones almost as a target.  There is the ZAD of the zone of actual development.  This is where students can do this on their own with ease.  Then ZPD which is the desired learning zone.  Finally there is out of reach which is an area where the information is to advanced for that student.  As a teacher being able to find a student's ZPD is crucial and can come with knowing the student and practice.  I think both of these items are very helpful and informative.  Both great strategies I plan to implement and practice as a teacher. 

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